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Genus Padina

Padina arborescens
0 reviews

In habitat, upper subtidal (Amakusa Island, Japan). August 2013.

Padina australis
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section. 3. Sporangia. 4. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Padina boryana
0 reviews

1, 2. Prostrate rhizomes with newly formed blade. 3. Habit. Low intertidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Padina gymnospora
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section of thallus. 3. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Padina minor
0 reviews

1. Newly formed blades of P. minor and strap-shaped blades of Vaughaniella stage. 2. Vaughaniella stage thalli forming rhizomatous densely matted turf. 3. In habitat, upper subtidal (China, Hainan Island). March 2012.

Padina tetrastromatica
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section of thallus. 3. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2006.

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